The Misplaced Band Aid Theory

1 min readJan 24, 2021

There are band aid’s every where, but very few are where they need to be.

Imagine you’re outside when you fall and cut your knee. Blood begins to run down your shin, small pieces of gravel, dirt, and other natural debris are in and around the wound. Tending to the abrasion is now priority number one. Once inside, you find the first aid kit, which you sift through to find the necessary supplies. Now, imagine choosing a band aid and placing said band aid on your ankle. You wouldn’t want the blood to run into your sock, of course. Approaching the situation with a misplaced band aid, ignoring the source of the blood, not properly cleaning and applying healing ointment to the gash, focusing solely on preventing a visible stain, is how the United States approaches so many pressing social and political matters. We have to stop this practice, because before we know it, we will be too sick to function.

Thank you for spending your time with me,


Originally published at on January 24, 2021.




A white, female, straight, cis-gendered, affluent, (mostly) able-bodied, twenty-something, human, trying to effect positive change, one bee hive at a time.